ALIM Web Help

Comparing Files

The Compare Files option appears on the Files relationship menu for each file .

The Compare Files window displays two lists used to select the two files that are being compared. Select a file and then select another file to compare to it. If the document has multiple revisions, you can select which revision you want to select files from; this allows you compare versions of a file between revisions of a document. By default, the file you launched the compare files window from is selected in the Left File menu. If the document has multiple revisions the same file in the previous revision is selected in the Right File menu. After two files are selected, click Compare.

Once you click Compare, the screen will queue and load both files and will then display a comparison mode. If you compare two image files, differences are highlighted using colors. If you compare two text files, a side-by-side comparison displays the differences.

Note: An error message appears if you try to compare a file to itself.
Note: Markups cannot be compared unless they are burned into the image.